Radionics Radio Blog

Update – June 2016

The Radionics Radio project concluded in February 2016, and as such, the app is no longer being maintained or supported.  Thank you to everybody who experimented with the Radionics Radio app and supplied thought-frequencies.  These frequencies were broadcast in various forms, and each set of frequencies provided a unique tuning system, from which various compositions were made.

Update – 13th Nov 2014 – A simple step-by-step guide for Radionics Radio on laptops


Go to to try this modernised recreation of Delawarr Laboratories’ 1940s method of converting thoughts into electronic sound.

1) Enter a thought into the Thought Box and turn on oscillator (by left-clicking on the lower on/off switch).

2) Press ‘1’ on your keyboard.

3) Rub your finger in a circular motion on your trackpad, making sure the mouse pointer rotates around your thought inside the circle around the Thought Box.

4) Concentrate on your thought. Click whenever you feel friction (or a ‘stick’) on your finger against the trackpad.  This is the radionic effect.  Go back to step (2) and continue until a list of frequencies is obtained, and click on ‘Send All’.


Update – 5th Nov 2014


Fantastically broad varieties of thoughts are being received weekly through  I should remind users that it’s important to input a username after clicking “Send All” – it can be anything – but this ensures the frequencies are received properly.

For those curious about the diffusion methods of the thought-frequencies, some example videos are being produced.  The first is here – demonstrating the ‘behind-the-scenes’ audio-visual program that renders the thoughts in realtime, and also showing how certain thoughts sonically work well together:

Of course, as Radionics Radio is principally a radio-based project, the visual aspect is seldom seen by anybody except during occasional experimental live projection and diffusion events with wider audience participation.

The project is being carried out with careful observance of radionic and radiesthesic principles.  On the practical side, especial focus is given to Delawarr Laboratories experiments in the interaction of soundwaves in the air described here (hence the fact that thought-frequencies are acoustically diffused and recorded for broadcast by high quality microphones, designed for orchestral recordings where clarity and detailed response are necessary).

New users of the Radionics Radio app are encouraged to view the help video shown below.


Update – 15th Sept 2014


After a lengthy preliminary testing phase, beset with many complications, a new improved version of the Radionics Radio web app is now online.  There may still be some bugs, but this latest version – re-coded by Jonny Stutters – is now compatible with Firefox and Chrome, and no bugs have been reported.

If you plan to test the app, be sure to view the help video (below) and read the instructions on the app carefully.

Many thanks to everybody who has supplied thought frequencies since the app’s inception in May this year.  Submissions have so far ranged from wishes, abstract concepts, to highly cryptic encoded thoughts.  All thoughts and their frequencies have been collected together and tested on special instrumentation.  Over the coming weeks, more substantial experimental broadcasts will take place on Resonance FM – more details will be posted here, and at

4 thoughts on “Radionics Radio Blog

  1. Not sure if and when you are supposed to move the Hz dial. I put my thought in but could not hear anything then I went back to the video and played with the dials again and then I heard the sounds so I dont know if it worked for the first thought I put in. SHould I reenter that thought now that I got the sound to work?I love that this is open to the public. I have been searching around my area for someone who has this so I could enter my thought / wish into the frequencies to broadcast. This is just too great.

  2. Hi! what kind of thoughts I can write? win a prize, be healthy or keep on my diet? can you give me an example? please

    • Hi. You can submit any thoughts – thoughts of objects, things, emotions, wishes, manifestation requests, concepts, codes, messages, secrets, self-promotion, etc. Because this is primarily an experimental project, I generally don’t recommend traditional radionic healing (although users have submitted such thought-frequencies, which are broadcast nonetheless).

      Simple abstract or concept thoughts are always useful – e.g. “coffee cup”, “Beethoven’s 5th symphony”, “big ginger cat”. These can be used for listening experiments to see whether a listener can intuit a semblance of the original thought (which have so far proved inconclusive, but interesting). But you can really try anything.

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