Radionics Radio at the Science Museum

On Friday 13th June, a live ResonanceFM programme from the Science Museum marks the launch of the Radionics Radio application.  ‘Radionics Radio – Turning Thought into Frequency’ airs at 3:00pm.

The programme is something of a first, as an actual Delawarr radionics broadcasting instrument will be exhibited in earnest at the Science Museum for the first time (for the duration of the programme).  It will not be plugged in, however, owing to health and safety restrictions.

The programme takes place in the Exponential Horn room where ResonanceFM is currently installed.

More information on radionics and the Radionics Radio project can be read on the Sound and Music blog.

An ‘artificial intelligence’ rustic poet

Hop over to the Miraculous Agitations blog to behold attempts to create an artificial intelligence ‘local poet’ using text analysis procedures and speech synthesis.  The poet robot is based on a very obscure 1990s rustic poet called Bill Cooper.  Cooper’s oeuvre was fed into a word-combination probability analyser (based around a Markov chain), and new rustic emissions were sought.

These experiments were briefly featured, among other feverishly discussed book-related things, on William English’s Wavelength on Friday 6th June.  The ‘Robot Bill Cooper’ text generator has implications for books in general: in theory you could dump a book’s text into a program and have a new text generated in the author’s style…

Robot Bill Cooper